Jose Mier on Sun Valley Area Shelters
Following on the heels of my last José Meyer post on homelessness in Sun Valley I thought I’d take a moment to point out local homeless shelters we have in The area. Unfortunately, Sun Valley does not have its own homeless shelter. I was also surprised to see that Burbank was not listed on the website

Of course Burbank does have the Burbank Temporary Aid Center which helps out those individuals and families that are on the brink of homelessness, there is no real shelter for those who are actually without homes right now.
The number of shelters is very low, which I found surprising. This means that the number of homeless far outnumber the capacity of nearby shelters to take them in, especially during our latest heatwave. Sun Valley does border North Hollywood and North Hollywood does have is shelter. The shelter is run by LA Family Housing and is located at 7843 Lankershim Blvd.
I don’t expect any homeless people to be reading this blog post for those who do you now know what the closest Shelter is to Sun Valley. If you interesting anyway with the homeless you can let them know about this.
We seem to have survived the worst of the high temperatures recently, but the extended forecast shows temperatures will be in the 90s and possibly above for the next two weeks. This means the homeless will continue to suffer until cooler weather arrives, which may not be soon.