Online Service Allows Connection with Neighbors
Jose Mier is next door, are you? I’m not talking about living physically in the house next to yours but the fact that I in part of If you haven’t heard of this website and service let me enlighten you. is available to anyone in any city. Signing up on the website in choosing your location connects you with other neighbors in your vicinity to be able to share information suggestions, heck, even recipes if the mood strikes you.

For me in Sun Valley I’m connected with everyone else on the website who has an account. Sometimes the quickest way to learn about something happening in our neighborhood is through nextdoor. I will often hear of some accident or emergency from one of my neighbors before I see a news report or read a police blotter. This is a great service and in addition to keeping us informed allows us to communicate with neighbors we might not otherwise see or hear from. It also helps to keep our community safe, when residents close by can alert others to some danger or hazard such as recent thefts, suspicious people or cars or even traffic accidents that may affect us it makes life just that much easier.
Want to know where to find the best plumber or tree surgeon in your area? Cheapest gas? Best Italian food? Simple! Just ask your SUn Valley neighbors on
Signing up the simple, just enter your email address and confirm it to become part of the nextdoor community. I use it here in Sun Valley, but relatives in the Bay Area also use it to keep connected to their neighbors. The more connected we are to others the stronger our community becomes, that’s why I’m such a big fan of Try signing up and see if you don’t think it’s as good as I make it out to be.