Jose Mier Opines on COVID’s Effect on July 4th
The fourth of July is almost upon us. Now for the first time in my memory (and probably the memories of those much older than I) there will be no fireworks to celebrate Independence Day. I already wrote about beach closures over this weekend in an earlier Sun Valley by Jose Mier post. The reasons given include the spike in coronavirus cases in recent weeks. Whether the data used to justify this cancellation are accurate or not is debatable. Regardless, we’re faced with dark skies over Sun Valley and most of Southern California tomorrow.

Sun Valley had been a good place to view the San Fernando Valley fireworks displays in the past, especially for those who live in the Verdugo foothills. If we are close enough and with a view toward Burbank, the Starlight Bowl’s display was pretty spectacular. Now all that is moot.
There are a couple exceptions to the fireworks bans and these are the cities of Santa Clarita and Lancaster if you want to make the drive as the Daily News reports.
There seems to be a disconnect in the reasoning for all the cancellations given that recent protests in Los Angeles and other major cities across the country have been allowed but other gatherings such as fireworks displays have been banned. We may all have to buckle down and tough our way through these changes in lifestyle for the foreseeable future but it’s sad. There seems to be no end in sight to the restrictions and a vaccine or other treatment is far off on the horizon. Every aspect of our lives has changed.
Hope for the Future
It’s depressing but we will got through this. The people I know in Sun Valley, my neighbors, customers and others are tough, determined folks, accustomed to hard work and making a living for their families. There is a lot of pent up energy here waiting to be released and once restrictions are lifted we’ll be ready to apply this tremendous energy to putting our community fully back on track. Sun Valley residents are predominately working class and accustomed to occasional setbacks but are resilient. If we have to wait another year to experience a traditional Fourth of July we will. Whatever the current challenge, you can’t keep Sun Valley (or the rest of the nation) down permanently. There’s a certain desire in our souls that while it may be in a sort of hibernation will manifest itself as soon as the pathways reopen.
I’m sad that this year has seen so many negative changes but I am confident we will continue to fight through things and emerge even more grateful for the blessings this country affords us.
If they save up all the unused fireworks from this year and add them to next year’s supply, watch out! It will be a display unlike any we’ve seen. I can’t wait for July 4, 2021.