Jose Mier Visits the Website
The statistics are out there for anyone who wants to find them and as I’ve written before, the cost of living in Sun Valley is lower compared other areas of Los Angeles County. But to find a quick, succinct and easily digestible overview a good resource is the website.
California overall does have a higher cost of living than other states, but compared to some major metropolitan areas Sun Valley is far below the national average. Compared to, say, San Francisco it’s 86% cheaper to live in Sun Valley. The same is true for Boston, Washington, D.C., or New York. will also show you what the change will be in your cost-of-living if you move to Sun Valley from another city. For those that are contemplating a move from within Los Angeles County of course the overall cost of living will be lower here in Sun Valley. If however you’re moving from one of the major metropolitan areas I recently mentioned the savings are going to be even more significant.
As I’ve said and written many times Sun Valley is one of Los Angeles’s hidden gems. Lower housing costs, a more youthful population, and easy access to transportation and the Southern California freeway system makes Sun Valley an optimal choice for living here in the Southland.
Of course you could research cost-of-living in detail on other sites such as but I prefer to have these easy-to-read charts and graphs that provides. If you are living in another city want to research what living in Sun Valley would be like, I recommend is very useful tool and another arrow in your quiver when doing research prior to any move.