Jose Mier Receives LADWP Rebate for Conservation
Like most business people in Sun Valley I always have to balance the cost of doing business with revenue. My own business has been faced with a loss of revenue due directly to the coronavirus. It’s more important now than ever for me as a business person to reduce costs wherever possible. If you’re a reader of my earlier posts you know that I talk about Los Angeles County Department of Public Works’ effort to improve water collection in the Sun Valley area, but we as businesses and individuals can do the same. One of the costs of my business is maintaining a landscaped office location. Like it or not keeping an attractive exterior contributes directly to the perception of my business and the amount of business I will get in the future. So, I’m not going to stop watering the plants surrounding my office.

I can, however, take steps to reduce the amount of water needed for those plants and one of the ways I accomplish this is by using soil moisture sensors. The sensors will determine how much moisture is in the ground and water the plants accordingly. This keeps my plants healthy and growing but it reduces the amount of water my business uses, which reduces my overhead.
LADWP Rebate for Equipment
The good thing about installing technology like this is that the LADWP is offering rebates for the various Technologies I need to purchase. Since Sun Valley is part of greater Los Angeles other Sun Valley businesses can take advantage of this rebate program as well. You can find introductory information on the Los Angeles City website which will redirect you to LADWP and their list detailing the amount of rebates available and for which products.
Because of the rebates I’ve received I’ve been able to install this water saving technology to reduce my costs and my outlay for the water saving products has been reimbursed by LADWP. I mention this in order to inform other Sun Valley businesses that they can take advantage of this program. It will save water. It will save money. And if your business is like mine, affected by shutdowns and closures due to the coronavirus, you’ll want to take advantage of any opportunity that will reduce your monthly expenditures. I am looking forward to an end to this pandemic and all the hardship it has caused, but once it has passed I will continue to save money and be able to make more of it thanks in part to Los Angeles’ water-saving rebate program.