Jose Mier Warns Residents to Keep Cool
We’re in the middle of a record heat wave in Sun Valley, CA. While we’re not technically a desert, it sure feels like it right now. Temperatures have topped the one hundred degree mark and are still pushing the mercury in that direction. The last several and next few days will be in the mid to upper 90s. That means Sun Valley residents, like yours truly, Jose Mier, need to take extra care if venturing outside our homes or businesses.

Of course all the traditional warnings should be heeded. We need to drink a lot more water to stay hydrated and keep out of the sun when possible. There are other things to think about as well. The governor has asked us to conserve power by setting thermostats to at least 78 degrees. With such hot weather all we need are some rolling blackouts that will kill ALL power to our homes so we need to do our part until this heat wave subsides.
It also makes me think of the effect the heat is having on our Sun Valley restaurants who are barely surviving. The “lucky” ones have outdoor dining as a consequence of the governor’s order that we can’t dine inside due to the coronavirus. There is no sign of the order being lifted anytime soon and with the hot weather people may not want to eat al fresco for the time being.
Regardless, we—once more—need to hunker down and ride out this latest punch that nature is throwing us.
I’ve said it before as well that hotter temperatures may also lead to fires which is something we don’t need. In addition to taking care of our health we need to be extra cautious about fire danger. The overwhelming amount of fires in the state right now attests to this and the heat only makes fighting these fires that much harder.
Watch out for yourselves and take the necessary steps to stay cool and hydrated. Let’s also conserve our electricity especially during peak hours and please be vigilant about fire dangers during this hottest month in some time.