15 Minutes From Sun Valley
If you know me, Jose Mier, you know that I have dedicated this website the promotion of our community of Sun Valley California. Sun Valley has a tremendous amount offer and it’s unique among other cities Jamaica San Fernando Valley. However, if you take into account our sister cities– Those that immediately surrounds sun Valley–there’s even more things to do, especially if you’re visiting Los Angeles as a tourist.

As a motorcycle owner, one of the favorite rides I take is from Sun Valley to Sunland-Tujunga. It’s great to do this on the weekends and I usually joined by several dozen other bikers making the same trek on a Sunday afternoon. My preferred route to go up Sunland Boulevard which goes directly from Sun Valley into Tujunga. Great part about this ride is that you immediately leave the urban Center of greater Los Angeles behind and within minutes are surrounded by hills, foliage and horse properties. As you make your way out of Sun Valley hats the Stonehurst neighborhood which is famous for a number of ranches and horse properties. The other neighborhoods of pass-through like sSadow Hills are also filled with horse owners entering a bike ride you’ll be able to see out grazing for their owners taking them for a ride.
The nice thing about Tujunga on the higher elevation in Sun Valley so you drive up there you’re going uphill and many other people who owned homes in this area have them situated on hillsides views of the mountains or the valley floor. For those who are visiting the Sun Valley/Burbank area as tourists you can just drive up here and have something you need to tell your friends when you get back Home.
Actually it’s funny that years ago people used to think the word Tujunga meant motorcycle gang, but in fact it’s an Indian word which means old woman of the earth. However so many bikers either lived here for road to this destination and that’s probably how the area got its reputation and how people mixed up the meaning of the name.
If you’re new to the Burbank for Sun Valley California area and are visiting and want more information about her sister city Tujunga you can find more information on the neighborhood council website. Or you can just do like me and Take a drive up there and Check it all out for yourself. Tell them Jose Mier sent you.