Jose Mier on New Gym Closure
It was a good month while it lasted. I was able to get in some good workouts and saw myself regaining the shape I had lost in the three months previous to gyms reopening in June.
I look back wistfully on the Jose Mier net article I wrote back then celebrating the reopening of fitness centers. Now, I’m penning a tearful article bemoaning the re-closure of my (and all other) gym due to the governor’s latest health mandate.

As you know from my previous post I wondered aloud about the criteria for the shutdowns and if there was any hard data to justify certain businesses being on the list of those who have to close their doors. It appears that the order is just a blanket restritction on any place where more than 10 people may gather at any one time—including restaurants, bars, hair salons and gyms.
Do we have any data that suggests one or more of these places is where the increased spread of COVID began? It’s possible, but without data we just don’t know. If it’s worth anything I can tell you anecdotally what I observed at my gym.
The facility had been reorganized with many weight machines moved to new positions to avoid people being too close. Additional hand sanitizer dispensers were situated in multiple placed around the gym. Also, the owners had installed a UV-cleaned air system which was supposed to kill airborne bacteria and viruses. I did note that masks were optional, however, and while I did wear mine at different times in the gym, I found that when I really exerted myself I did have to take it away from my face to be able to get enough air into my lungs.
I was not 100% consistent in wiping down equipment before or after use (frankly it was a pain). I was 100% consistent in applying hand sanitizer upon leaving the gym. Despite all this I worked out every weekday for exactly one month (one wonders if there’s any significance to these orders coming on the thirteenth day of the month?) and have had no problems whatsoever. As I said, this is anecdotal, but it would be helpful to know if the government has any data whatsoever on where the new COVID cases have originated.
Asking may be a fool’s errand but I ask anyway. Until we reopen again it looks like I will be lifting buckets of water in my garage. I was taking walks around the neighborhood in the prior shutdown but July is really not conducive to brisk walks. We can only pray the coronavirus runs its course sooner than later. I really would like to get back to the gym.