Finding Food Locations Near Sun Valley, CA
We’re doing more and more online these days so I thought I’d make it quick public service blog post to tell you about at least one of these services the Los Angeles offers online.
If you’re not familiar with LA211 you should be. It’s got a lot of helpful information for residents of greater Los Angeles. This includes things like school information, information about the coronavirus and food resources throughout greater Los Angeles, which is what I want to write about today.
If you go to the LA211 website you’ll be able to search for the information you want to find. However, one of the options on their homepage is the food finder. This is a new application that shows you what food resources are located throughout the city, which includes our portion of the San Fernando Valley.
It’s easy to filter your search and you can choose from things like child nutrition, farmers markets, food benefit programs, grocery stores for food pantries, meals provided or senior food needs. For those who are in need of locating food assistance programs this interactive map is a great tool. As you can see from the screenshot I’m including on this page our area of the San Fernando Valley including Sun Valley has a significant amount of food resources available.

I encourage all Sun Valley residents to familiarize themselves with LA211 not just for food resources but for other programs provided by the city of Los Angeles.