Tag: smoke

  • No End to Smoke Till October?

    No End to Smoke Till October?

    Bobcat Fire Smoke Drifting Over Sun Valley Can you breathe? I can’t. Even in my home with doors and windows closed I still smell the aroma of smoke as I enter the kitchen each morning. As I look out the window from my upper story bedroom I can see the pall of smoke that’s covering…

  • Entire Southland Engulfed in Smoke

    Entire Southland Engulfed in Smoke

    Lake Fire and Others Continue to Foul Sun Valley Air I only recently published a Jose Mier post about the poor air quality in Sun Valley. The air quality has been on my mind because when I look out the window I can see haze all over the San Fernando Valley. It prompted me to…

  • Dangerous Air in Sun Valley

    Dangerous Air in Sun Valley

    Jose Mier Discusses The Risks of Particulate Matter One unfortunate aspect of every summer in Sun Valley, CA and the rest of the state is that we invariably deal with fires. Recent storms in northern California sparked (literally) several fires due to the lightning which accompanied those storms. Other fires closer to home have been…