Jose Mier Compares COVID Hardships to World War II
I’ve been reading a lot of these days, and the books I seem to enjoy most are World War II action novels. The one I am reading now is called “The Unlikely Spy,” which is set in Britain in 1944. It took me a while for things to sink in to my brain but all of the author’s descriptions about the hardships the people faced during the war made me think. Although not on the same level, we’re facing our own hardships here in Sun Valley, CA as my Jose Mier Sun Valley posts attest.
The people of Britain had to deal with not only German bombs, but severe rationing. We are still well fed but like our World War II counterparts not everything is available when we go to the market. Try to find some Clorox wipes or a bag of flour at the grocery store and they are not there.
People of United Kingdom could not easily get gasoline and travel for the most part was suspended. We can still go pretty much anywhere we want but because of the coronavirus we end up spending a lot of time in our homes. We’re still much more fortunate that our counterparts. We’re not faced with blackouts and having to use dim lights on roadways or when walking on the streets. We are faced with waiting in long lines sometimes and of course keeping her distance and wearing masks.
In both cases we’re dealing with life and death situations. Thousands of British people were killed in the bombing raids during the war and we have our own population affected by the coronavirus which has claimed thousands of lives.
Like those World War II era Britons, we’re forced to abide by government regulations in hopes of achieving a good outcome and for the greater good.
I was struck by the fact that the people of the United Kingdom had to deal with this for five years. We’ve been dealing with our hardships for a little over six months so comparing ourselves to the people of 70 years ago kind of puts things into perspective. We’ve also been dealing with some economic hardships and even after the war ended it took many years for Britain to recover period

I’m not saying that our current difficulties are on the same level as those during World War II. Far from it. In fact, we still got it pretty good here in Sun Valley and around the rest of the country. It looks like the economy is picking up and we hope that there is some sort of cure or preventative measures against the coronavirus soon so that we can put all this behind us. I guess it does help to compare ourselves to the sufferings of earlier peoples and see that we really don’t have it too bad comparatively. That doesn’t mean it’s not time for Sun Valley to reopen, for all of us to get to work and put this terrible virus behind us.