Colder Weather Means Struggle for Homeless
It’s been some time since I published my Jose Mier post on homelessness in Sun Valley. At the time we were going through the worst heatwave in recent memory, dealing with triple-digit temperatures that were pushing 120°F.

We are well into November now in the forecast is for cooler temperatures, on some nights dropping down even into the 30s. That means those who live on the street will be subjected to these almost-freezing temperatures. We’re lucky that even during the winter months in Southern California our temperatures are mild compared to the East Coast or Midwest which may be blanketed in snow. Still, temperatures do get quite low overnight in Sun Valley and those without homes should find shelter on those nights when the mercury drops.
If you’re interested in finding a homeless shelter to help a homeless person or to volunteer, a good website to rely on is the homeless shelter directory. You can search in Sun Valley or nearby and either stop in to help or let those homeless people in your area know about these shelters.
For better or for worse Los Angeles has been beset by increasing homelessness in the last few years. The number of homeless people within Los Angeles County has gone up dramatically which means there are more people on the streets and more people who will be in need of shelter on hot or very cold days and nights. We in Sun Valley, California can do our part and support our local homeless shelters.