Category: sun valley

  • Sun Valley Park Drain and Infiltration System

    Sun Valley Park Drain and Infiltration System

    Jose Mier Takes a Look at Another Source of Sun Valley Pride I’ve been doing a lot of writing recently about water conservation efforts in Sun Valley and about those scheduled for construction as well as those that have been completed. One of those complete projects would you may not even realize which is part…

  • Sun Valley Upper Storm Drain Project

    Sun Valley Upper Storm Drain Project

    Meets Approval of Jose Mier On the heels of my last post regarding projects in Sun Valley that improve her environment and quality-of-life, I thought I should add a note about the Sun Valley Upper Storm Drain Project. This massive project, which is slated to begin in 2021, will take place near the intersections of…

  • Your Government Dollars At Work

    Your Government Dollars At Work

    Sun Valley’s Solution to Flooding We may not think about it now given all the dry whether in drought conditions of late, but Sun Valley has areas that are prone to flooding. This occurs in several places but one of these has traditionally been the corner of San Fernando Rd. and Tuxford Street. It’s easy…

  • Sun Valley Facelifts: Business Park

    Sun Valley Facelifts: Business Park

    Even Industrial Areas Improving Sun Valley keeps getting better and better. As you know, Jose Mier is a big proponent of our little section the Greater Los Angeles. I believe Sun Valley is one of the best places to live in Southern California for a variety of reasons. However, there’s always room for improvement and…

  • The Changing Face Of Sun Valley, CA

    The Changing Face Of Sun Valley, CA

    Hispanic Population Includes Jose Mier With a name like Jose Mier it’s not surprising you’ll find me in Sun Valley, California. Latinos make up the majority of the population here and it’s reflected not only on our faces and speech but in the whole environment of our community. That includes the type of stores you’ll…

  • Sun Valley Takes Care of Homeless Seniors, Vets

    Sun Valley Takes Care of Homeless Seniors, Vets

    Jose Mier Details Ratner St. Apartment Construction If you read my Jose Mier missive a few days back you know that I discussed the plight of the homeless especially in light of the recent extreme heat. It’s a given that homelessness is a problem affecting not only Sun Valley but all of Los Angeles County…

  • Jose Mier In Praise of Sun Valley Apartment Plans

    Jose Mier In Praise of Sun Valley Apartment Plans

    Modern Design To Change Sun Valley’s Face Residents of Sun Valley know that our city has the certain feel to it. Cutting edge is not the way to describe it. Regardless your humble servant Jose Mier is the number one proponent of Sun Valley California whatever Sun Valley looks like period However, the face of…

  • Will Sun Valley Freeway Be Finished Soon?

    Will Sun Valley Freeway Be Finished Soon?

    Driving the I-5 With Jose Mier It’s been a while  since I last addressed the subject traffic on Interstate 5 which runs directly through Sun Valley California. I’m sure you can understand why, we’ve had a lot of other things occupying our attention in recent days. If the mounds of the earth around the Burbank…

  • Jose Mier Explores LA211

    Jose Mier Explores LA211

    Finding Food Locations Near Sun Valley, CA We’re doing more and more online these days so I thought I’d make it quick public service blog post to tell you about at least one of these services the Los Angeles offers online. If you’re not familiar with LA211 you should be. It’s got a lot of…

  • Homelessness in Sun Valley, CA: Follow-Up

    Homelessness in Sun Valley, CA: Follow-Up

    Jose Mier on Sun Valley Area Shelters Following on the heels of my last José Meyer post on homelessness in Sun Valley I thought I’d take a moment to point out local homeless shelters we have in The area. Unfortunately, Sun Valley does not have its own homeless shelter. I was also surprised to see…