Category: jose mier

  • Sun Valley Takes Care of Homeless Seniors, Vets

    Sun Valley Takes Care of Homeless Seniors, Vets

    Jose Mier Details Ratner St. Apartment Construction If you read my Jose Mier missive a few days back you know that I discussed the plight of the homeless especially in light of the recent extreme heat. It’s a given that homelessness is a problem affecting not only Sun Valley but all of Los Angeles County…

  • Jose Mier In Praise of Sun Valley Apartment Plans

    Jose Mier In Praise of Sun Valley Apartment Plans

    Modern Design To Change Sun Valley’s Face Residents of Sun Valley know that our city has the certain feel to it. Cutting edge is not the way to describe it. Regardless your humble servant Jose Mier is the number one proponent of Sun Valley California whatever Sun Valley looks like period However, the face of…

  • Will Sun Valley Freeway Be Finished Soon?

    Will Sun Valley Freeway Be Finished Soon?

    Driving the I-5 With Jose Mier It’s been a while  since I last addressed the subject traffic on Interstate 5 which runs directly through Sun Valley California. I’m sure you can understand why, we’ve had a lot of other things occupying our attention in recent days. If the mounds of the earth around the Burbank…

  • Jose Mier Explores LA211

    Jose Mier Explores LA211

    Finding Food Locations Near Sun Valley, CA We’re doing more and more online these days so I thought I’d make it quick public service blog post to tell you about at least one of these services the Los Angeles offers online. If you’re not familiar with LA211 you should be. It’s got a lot of…

  • Homelessness in Sun Valley, CA: Follow-Up

    Homelessness in Sun Valley, CA: Follow-Up

    Jose Mier on Sun Valley Area Shelters Following on the heels of my last José Meyer post on homelessness in Sun Valley I thought I’d take a moment to point out local homeless shelters we have in The area. Unfortunately, Sun Valley does not have its own homeless shelter. I was also surprised to see…

  • No End to Smoke Till October?

    No End to Smoke Till October?

    Bobcat Fire Smoke Drifting Over Sun Valley Can you breathe? I can’t. Even in my home with doors and windows closed I still smell the aroma of smoke as I enter the kitchen each morning. As I look out the window from my upper story bedroom I can see the pall of smoke that’s covering…

  • Sun Valley Homeless Enduring Blistering Heat

    Sun Valley Homeless Enduring Blistering Heat

    Jose Mier Discusses Our Growing Problem Sun Valley is a great place to live, not just for those with homes but those who have no home at all think so too. Over the last few years homeless encampments have sprung up throughout several areas of Sun Valley. You can view some of these encampments along…

  • Will Sun Valley CA Burn Again?

    Will Sun Valley CA Burn Again?

    How Likely is Fire In Same Area? Fortunately it seems like a vague memory. The fires that torched parts of Sun Valley in September 2017 are fading from the mind. It’s been just about three years and the look tuna Canyon fire scorched much of the Verdugo foothills. It’s almost impossible to see the effects…

  • Are We At War In Sun Valley?

    Are We At War In Sun Valley?

    Jose Mier Compares COVID Hardships to World War II I’ve been reading a lot of these days, and the books I seem to enjoy most are World War II action novels. The one I am reading now is called “The Unlikely Spy,” which is set in Britain in 1944. It took me a while for…

  • Will California Reopen?

    Riverside County Leads Charge According to the Desert Sun, Riverside County officials sent a letter to the state asking to be allowed to reopen certain businesses beginning September 8. That would include businesses such as dining restaurants and salons as well as churches.  That would be the first phase of reopening, followed by a second…